Numbers A, 0 – 46 run daily, some of them are extra lines run in the peak hours.
You can obtain information about the communal transport services in Łódź city by calling the number tel. + 48 800 168 034, tel. +48 42 672 1 17 or on website:
Suburban Lines:
Tram nr 46 and mini-bus nr 46 run on the track: Lódź- Zgierz- Ozorków
You can obtain information about booking and timetable by calling the number tel. + 48 42 658 91 88 or on website:
Lines nr 43 and 43 bis departure from Lódź STOKI – Pl. Wolności – Zdrowie – Smulska- Konstantynów- Lutomiersk, mini- bus line nr 3 departure from Konstantynów to Pabianice, line nr 97 departure from Lódź Kaliska to Łódź Zielony Romanów. Information tel. + 48 42 632 08 13, website: