Town: Wladyslawowo (Władysławowo)
Voivodeship: Pomerania
Distance in km:
to Gdańsk – 63 km
to Warsaw – 400 km
to Szczecin – 337 km
Transfers from Warsaw to Władysławowo:
Trains run to Władysławowo every 2 hours (intermediate stop in Gdynia), there is a direct train during the summer departure at: 00:20 am, 07:00 am, 11:20 pm. Duration of travel 6- 7 hours. Price per single fare ticket – 54 zł, about 14 €.
Bus line from Western Bus Station Warsaw to Władysławowo. Duration of travel 8 hours. Price per single fare ticket – 54 zł, about 14 €.
Trains from Gdańsk:
Tuns from Central Train Station (intermediate stops in Gdynia). Duration of travel 1,5- 2 hours. Price per single fare ticket – 11 zł, about 3 €.
Train from Szczecin is not very convenient (intermediate stops in Gdynia). Duration of travel 6- 8 hours. Price per single fare ticket – 46 zł, about 12 €.