Trains from Warsaw to Olsztyn:

Station Stop Changes Departure Arrival Duration
Warszawa Centr. Olsztyn 0 1:50 6:16 4:26
Warszawa Centr. Olsztyn 0 2:50 6:51 4:00
Warszawa Centr. Olsztyn 0 9:05 12:57 3:52
Warszawa Centr. Olsztyn 0 10:15 14:03 3:48
Warszawa Centr. Olsztyn 0 15:15 18:50 3:35
Warszawa Centr. Olsztyn 0 18:10 21:48 3:38
Warszawa Centr. Olsztyn 0 19:00 22:57 3:57

Other connections to Olsztyn with intermediate stops.
Duration of the travel about 5 hours. Single- fare- ticket- 38 zł about 9, 5 €,- 2nd class, 57 zł about 14,5 €- 1st class.
For more information please call tel.+ 48 22 511 6003 or 94 36.


Time Station/Stops Duration Distance Type Runs Fare
07:45 12:15 Warszawa Zach.-Olsztyn 04:30 226 km express Daily excl. 25.12, 01.01, Easter 34 zł
09:00 13:07 -//- 04:07 221 km express Daily excl. 25.12, 01.01, Easter 34 zł
10:45 14:08 -//- 03:23 188 km express Daily excl. 25.12, 01.01, Easter 28 zł
11:15 15:17 -//- 04:02 223 km express Daily excl. 25.12, 01.01, Easter 30 zł
12:30 16:37 -//- 04;07 221 km express Daily excl. 24, 25, 31.12, 01.01, Easter 30 zł
15:00 18:30 -//- 03:30 221 km express Daily excl. 25, 26.12, 01, 02.01, Easter 25 zł
16:30 20:30 -//- 04:00 221 km express Daily excl. 25, 26.12, 01, 02.01, Easter 31 zł
17:15 21:45 -//- 04:30 226 km express Daily excl. 25.12, 01.01, Easter 31 zł
19:45  23:47 -//- 04:02 221 km express Daily excl. 24, 25, 31.12, 01.01, Easter 30 zł

 Railway Stations:
Central Station (Dworzec Kolejowy PKP) is located in the city center (ul. Plac Konstytucji 3 Maja 3). For more information how to book the tickets you have to call tel.+48 89 538 54 53. Informnatiomn available 24 h a day tel. 89 533 66 87, website:  

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