Al. Solidarności 76 B, Warszawa
 tel. (ticket box): +(48-22) 831 22 40,

The Warsaw Chamber Opera was founded in 1961 by Stefan Sutkowski, who has served as its Managing and Artistic Director ever since. The company’s inaugural production was G.B.Pergolesi’s La serva padrona (4 September 1961). At present, the Warsaw Chamber Opera company consists of 2 directors, 2 designers, 7 conductors, over 75 soloists, and 2 small-size symphony orchestras (the Warsaw Sinfonietta and the Orchestra of Warsaw Chamber Opera). It also has the period-instruments ensemble Musicae Antiquae Collegium Varsoviense, a Mime Group, the 40-strong Chamber Choir and the Choir specializing in Old Orthodox Music.

The Warsaw Chamber Opera is pursuing a diverse activity. Its repertoire spans a wide variety of musical styles and genres: from medieval mystery plays to the operas of the Baroque and Classical periods, 18th century pantomimes, the operas by Rossini and Donizetti, as well as works by contemporary composers, several of which were commissioned by the company. The Warsaw Chamber Opera ensembles also give regular concerts featuring chamber, oratorio and symphonic music of various epochs.