Leszno – known due to its gliding sports centre. The former residence of the Leszczyński family, on the border of the Wielkopolska region and Silesia. The town was granted civic rights in 1547. After 1620, it was a major counterreformation centre. The protestants prosecuted in various European countries flooded here e.g. Jan Amos Komensky, a famous Czech educationist. The town was destroyed by the Swedish in 1655. Today, it is the centre of the province and of the region with highly-developed agriculture. One of the tourist attractions here is the Baroque town hall dating back to the mid-17th century and later rebuilt in 1712. On the market square, an arcaded house from the 17th century is worth your attention.
In the Baroque parish church there are many 18th-century altars. A former Arian mansion dating back to 1654, today a church. Historical, archeological and ethnographic exhibitions in the Regional Museum. About 9 km from the town, in a small town in the Leszczyńskie Lake District, tourists can admire the Reformati monastery from the 17th century and the 16th-century castle rebuilt in the 19th century as well as a complex of wind mills from the second half of the 18th century.