Bus line from Warsaw Western Bus Station to Władysławowo:
Departure from Warsaw at 05:30 am, 10:00 am, 09:00 pm,11:00 pm. Duration of travel 8 hours. Price per single fare ticket – 54 zł, about 14 €.
Bus line from Gdańsk to Władysławowo:
Departure from Gdańsk at 2:56 am, 03:46 am, 05:17 am, 07:40 am, 12:03 pm, other connections with an intermediated stop in Gdynia. Duration of travel 1,5- 2 hours. Price per single fare ticket – 15 zł, about 4 €.
Mini- bus from Gdynia to Jastrzebia Góra:
Departure from the parking place at the Central Train Station in Gdynia Główna.
There is no convenient connection from Szczecin to Jastrzebia Góra, no many trains all with and intermediate stop in Gdynia. Duration of travel 6- 8 hours. Price per single fare ticket – 54 zł, about 14 €.