Bus line from Western Bus Station Warsaw to Krynica:
Departure at 08:45 am, 10:15 am, 03:00 pm, 11:00 pm. Duration of travel 6 hours. Price per single fare ticket – 54 zł, about 14 €.
Transfers from Gdańsk to Krynica Morska:
Bus lines run from Central Bus Station at 07:20 am, 09:30 am, 02:00 pm, 03:45 pm, 06:45 pm, 07:30 pm.
Bus lines:
Warsaw- Krynica Morska, Gdańsk- Krynica Morska, and Łódź- Krynica Morska belongs to Polskie Express service. For more information please visit website: www.polskieexpress.pl