Transfers from Warsaw to Międzyzdroje:
Trains from Warsaw (Warszawa Centralna) to Międzyzdroje run every 2- 4 hour (intermediate stop either in Poznań or Szczecin). Duration of the travel 6- 9 hours. Price per single fare ticket – 55 zł, about 14 €, – 2nd class 82 zł about 20 €- 1st class, Inter City- 126 zł about 33 € – 2nd class, 168 zł about 45 €- 1st class.
Transfers from Gdańsk:
Trains run 5- 6 times a day during the summer (intermediate stop in Szczecin). Duration of the travel 7- 12 hours. Price per single fare ticket – 50 zł, about 12 €, – 2nd class 75 zł about 18 €- 1st class.
Train from Szczecin:
Trains run every hour during the summer. Duration of the travel 1,5- 2 hours. Single- fare- ticket- 15- 27 zł about 4- 7 €. You can go to Międzyzdroje also by bus.