Town: Jastrzebie Gora (Jastrzębia Góra)
Voivodeship: Pomerania
Distance in km:
to Gdańsk – 72 km
to Warsaw – 416km
to Szczecin – 346 km
Transfers from Warsaw to Jastrzębia Góra:
We recommend you to go by train to Władysławowo as there is no train station in Jastrzębia Góra, and continue the trip by bus running from Włądysławowo to jastrzebia Góra about 7 km ( there are many connection during the summer).
Trains from Warsaw to Władysławowo run every 1- 2 hour most with intermediate stop in Gdynia, departure from Warsaw at 00:20 am, 07:50 am, 11:00 pm (direct connection only during the summer). Duration of travel 6- 7 hours. Price per single fare ticket – 50 zł, about 13 €.