Town: Leba (Łeba)
Voivodeship: Pomerania
Distance in km:
to Gdańsk – 108 km
to Warsaw – 448 km
to Szczecin – 283 km
Transfers from Warsaw to Łeba:
Trains from Central Warsaw Train Station to Łeba run a couple of times a day, direct train departure at 09:48 from Central Warsaw Train Station. Duration of travel 6, 5- 8, 5 hours. Price per single fare ticket 46- 58 zł, about 54- 74 €.
Trains from Gdańsk:
Run every hours the last train leaves at 15:40 (intermediate stops either in Lębork or Gdynia). There is a direct train during the summer departure at: 02:32 am and 07:40 am. Duration of travel 2, 5- 3, 5 hours. Price per single fare ticket – 31- 46 zł, about 8- 12 €.
Trains from Szczecin:
Trains from Szczecin to Łeba run only during the summer (intermediate stops either in Lębork or Poznań). Duration of travel 5- 11 hours. Price per single fare ticket – 50- 66 zł, about 13- 17 €.